For this assignment in my college course a year later, I was tasked with redoing assignments of my choosing. I chose this assignment because I didn't like how the first one turned out. I like the second one more, but I think I can still do better. For this one, I chose a template brochure that inspired me and drew some of my ideas for the picture at the top of the brochure off of that. I made the material easier to read with a consistent feel across the brochure (though I'm wishing now that I changed more of the colours of the typefaces). I'm sure there will be more changes...

In my redo of the assignment a year later, I was able to lower the image size and recolour my artwork to remain consistent with City of Cold Lake colours in Illustrator.

This is the original assignment for my college class where I was tasked with making a trifold brochure for a location of my choosing. I took the pictures myself and found the information for the brochure online. I feathered all the edges of the photographs and gave a border around the edges of the brochure.

In this original assignment, I was tasked with drawing out a map of this location for my college class. I was told to pull up a map of the location and pull it into Illustrator to trace the map and then add colour. I was still learning how to use the pen tool in Illustrator and my Wacom tablet so this map took me a really long time to accomplish. The file size was massive.

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